LOL. he so like yongming describe.
eh? who taking my photo ar
Thanks Grace ^^
dirty little secret...
LOL.gays at the back.emo-ers at the front
see his hands. HIS HANDS!!
blind girl.
wahahaha. okok. i feel that the story the conclusion is that that village idiot shld not treat girls like toys la. sigh. then he somemore so selfish. just want the 2PIECES of the cake then want to break promises. sigh.. LOL. kk. i go study geog le. ^^
YAY! LOL. my dream to take a photo.
huh. my mouth is so cute.
LOL. nvr raise ur hand infront of ben's cam
fraser TRIES AND TRIES. to penetrate
science rocks. with a teacher so good^^
yulong. pls keep ur hands to urself
okok. here's the post. well, only two things. 2 more tests and the thing is, omg? ok lemme tell you a story. There was this guy in a village and he always liked to flirt with girls and never kept his promises. One day, he and his best friends went out to have lunch together. Then, there was this sandwich. It was not cut into pieces and he and his best friends wanted to find away to divide it. As promised from last time, the guy promised one of his friend that he would give THAT guy two pieces of the bread. Then, as there were 8 people, and the sandwich was cut into 8 pieces, there was a moment of thinking. So, the guy decided to take the two pieces for himself and did not care about THAT guy. therefore, the 7 people were left with 6 pieces of sandwich. Now, whenever his bestfriends were with him, they did not show any dislike or distaste. But, there was this part of their heart that was saying, sigh. all he does is flirt flirt flirt, although his studies are good, he shouldn't treat girls as toys la!
haha. okok. hope you get my story. this is one of the stories that i read! but i think its a very very old book. in some parts, there are truth. but. sigh. LOL. okok. jiayou everyone!
top of the world...
im ready. GOGOGO
kk here's some pictures to lighten up your day^^ enjoy. also. i dun post much now as tests are SO NEAR BY. LOL.
yeah. i decided not to take pics of teachers anymore. haha. so maybe more and more students ba. LOL. okok. today was okok. except zhangqian got damn flared. kk. gtg bye~