Saturday, January 31, 2009
Important Announcement Of The Day ( IAOTD )
This is serious. Seriously serious. There are FOUR people including the guarder of our tagboard typing this blog and all our posts are random. Why do people get worked up at these posts?
If you really don't believe me, want to check my tagboard's IP? The Hairy Undergrowth is our new brother.. and he will be joining us next week! As for the tagboard guard, its someone that everyone knows well of! He is our protector, our guardian, our angel, he is.. THE PANTS
Yours truly,
Ball Brothers, Pole Covered With Hair Protected By Pants
Friday, January 30, 2009
Discussion Topic Of The Day ( DTOTD )
Hi guys, sorry for being mia for so long. Yours sincerely here, the left ball. Now, I have been wondering, why are some people more cool than others. That's why, I'm going to discuss about cool guys right now. I know, once you all see the 2 words: cool guys, a few names have come to your mind, but no, I'm not talking about hunks and shuai ges, but those people of even higher status, for example, a feminine man as stated by the sturdy pole, who faints and topples at the slightest things, although he is STRONG and STEADY.:D
Now, the first person I'll be talking about, will be the Strong she-male I have stated above. According to the info we have collected so far, many people have seen feminine men. I mean, who in the right mind, will show off his feminine side to everyone as though its something worth a million dollars. Maybe he has gold hidden inside his feminine parts, but, who knows, to be a cool guy, he sure has many hidden dark secrets, which we, the ball brothers and the sturdy pole for support, will sacrifice our time, to find out for you faithful readers. So keep tune to the Ball Brothers right here at this site, for more details if you are interested.
Person number 2. This person is of find specimen, he?? is from a distant island, because he?? is musically inclined. The questionmarks?? are for doubtful questions that we do not know the answer to yet. Now, this cool guy?? over here crosses his?? leg at a fine posture that most guys will find it hard to. Maybe, he does not like we ball brothers and the sturdy pole, that is why he is trying to squash us flat wif his thigh, while sitting like a lady. One of the noticeable thing he does is spit flames while he is talking. Although that is a good skill, nobody likes droplets of saliva to landing on himself/herself, while engaging a meaningful conversation on life. With these droplets of saliva comes many complaints from fellow friends. Therefore, this guy came out with a cool move, called the Swipe Of the Tiger ( SOT ). Basically, what he does is to do a spin with his hand over his mouth, which is called covering the mouth, and waves his hand to and fro in front of his Lava Cave, to prevent more lava from spilling out of the hole. Now, keep a lookout for this fine man, for he is seriously a nice specimen. Tune in to the BBB(Ball Brothers Blog) for more closeup issues of this Lava spitting man.
Now, this will be the last man that i will talking about today. This man is of fine calibre. He speaks with a nice voice, a little rust, a little high, and squeaky voice. Basically, he squeals to attract girls' attention. Now, girls, be careful of this man, for he has great powers. He can spin anything at top speed with 1 hand, to own everyone in any competition. His handed spinning can own anyone's 2 handed spinning. However, with great skills come great flaws. Therefore, he sleeps at every opportunity he can get. For example, when you are taking a break after talking to him for a long period of time, he would fall asleep until you start talking to him again. Seriously, girls have to be careful of this man, for he is a man of great attraction powers, if not she will start to fall in love with him, and be willing to give everything to him.
Moral Of The Story ( MOTS)
Watch out for these guys, and visit BBB more at
Signing of,
Left Balls ( Edited By Right Balls )
Dear Dudes and Babes,
Here is yours truly, the long and sturdy pole.
Yes, I have taken a while to start posting but nevertheless, I shall do my best to make the best out of it. Unlike my fellow ball brothers who have discussion topics for everyday, I will have none of that rubbish.
But my posts will be fairly rubbish-oriented too, so I'll unbound this wild ride as soon as possible.
Being appointed into my new class, 3X, (Class omitted so as to protect my identity which I guess will be all known to you soon but I'll be a retard and still omit my class for the sake of omitting it.) I've had the rare opportunity of witnessing a CCA enthusiast and a CCA hater together, in cohesion, in the same class.
Similarities? Both are from uniform groups.
Today ( now), I'll shortly summarise what all the uniform groups are about. In Dunman High School, that is.
Firstly, NPCC:
The crest is good-looking, and represents the masculinity of males and females alike. I respect this CCA. Although not so presentable in females, it'll work well with females who want to bear a resemblance to their male counterparts.
However, as much as I've seen females bearing resemblance to males in terms of hairdo and dressing, I've never before seen a MALE bearing resemblance to a FEMALE in physical qualities. Yes in the world, there are many a person and I trust most of you are hardworking enough to google it. If you don't, please be on the lookout for any people that have these qualities, thank you (Nevertheless I still hold NPCC in the highest respect. It was one of my CCA choices, after all).
St. John's Ambulance Brigade:
Regretfully, the crest and the uniform doesn't hold as much authority as compared to NPCC, but still does a little trick. St John's Ambulance Brigade (SJAB) members are clad in a black and white uniform and enjoy morning exercises which I personally think is very healthy (: I still remember SJAB giving me a wonderful experience at their CCA open house when they lifted me up on a stretcher when I was sec 1 and 40kg.
It must have been such a breeeeeeze to them and I had a very exhilarating experience staring up at the sky on a stretcher.
Scouts, the all-boys uniformed group.
One can easily tell the difference between an enthusiastic Scout, and a not so enthusiastic scout. Yes, there are no not enthusiastic scouts because all the not enthusiastic ones would have quit it the moment they realised they were in it. Although I do respect the Scouts for their wonderful service to the community, I am somehow disgusted by the way some scouts are over enthusiastic with their duties. For example, the Scout enthusiast in my class who squeals and appluads at the very mention of 'Job Week'.
The all-girls uniformed group.
Closely related to the Scouts, I know the least about them and hence will not elaborate.
I hold the guides in high regard.
Although I don't know what their doing most of the time, I have taken a liking to their cookies.
But they are so &*(^*& expensive at 10 dollars per box which makes me go mad.
That's all.
Pardon me if I have missed any out, but I don't think I have.
Please do consult anybody from the uniformed groups if you have any queries, and don't find yours truly, the long and sturdy pole, because I do not have much knowledge on them. This is just a brief summary.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Yours Truly,
The Pole
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Important Announcement Of The Day ( IAOTD )
This announcement goes out to all my fans. Now, the long and sturdy pole is up and running and comes with a water gun. Also, to complete the entire band, someone has volunteered to be the forest of our blog. Anyone else up to be a candidate? Tag your particulars. (:
Signing off,
Ball Brothers And The Pole
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Discussion Topic Of The Day ( DTOTD )
Tissue Paper, Bane Or Boon?
Tissue papers. To some people, its a bane and to some weird people, its a boon. Why do we all use tissue paper? Firstly, people that have just eaten have their mouth dirty with dirt. Yes, dirty with dirt. Then, there was this friend that said to me literally with this gay tone, " Eeeeee!! Look! My mouth so dirty sia, who got tissue? Who got tissue!!! " Imagine me handing him the tissue. " Here you go." Him, " Ohhhh.. Thanks!!! " Then he turns around doing that index finger to thumb and three fingers up hand sign and walks away with the tissue paper. I was amazed at him being unable to live with a tissue paper after every meal.
However, tissue paper has many uses other than cleaning dirt. It is also able to wipe everything and everywhere you may think of. The fact that it is extremely thin, it can be inserted into any hole or slot that is insertable and remove dust from it! Even better than using detergents that clog up or spoil the furniture.
Therefore, whether it is a bane or boon, its your choice. Take your time to imagine! (:
Moral Of The Story ( MOTS )
Tissue papers are made to clean holes and are given to gays that clean their mouth.
Right Balls
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Important Announcement Of The Day ( IAOTD )
Today, neither of the ball brothers have time to post and therefore, i shall state two things that are extremely important for this blog to maintain its wealth of knowledge. First of all, the ball brothers need a long and sturdy pole to lean on so as to draw strength and power to write on this blog. Therefore, we shall list a few names that have asked the ball brothers for permission to be the long and sturdy pole.
Although the list is not very long, however, the people that have been nominated are both experienced and can be easily used for the long and sturdy pole.
Secondly, since all of you have noticed that our posts are extremely fruitful and can be used for alot of researches. However, please do not refer them to anyone as they are all based on random stuff that we, the ball brothers have experienced or seen. Therefore, do not go asking us, " Hey, who is that guy/girl you are talking about in your blog?" (: We appreciate the partnership of reader and editor. In the next post, special star, Richy that has given us the inspiration of tissue paper.
Signing off,
Left and Right Balls
Friday, January 23, 2009
Discussion Topic Of The Day ( DTOTD)
Shouldn't SCs Be What They Should Be?
This is a serious case. I mean seriously serious. What has happened to the poor SCs that i had once knew? I mean, all of us undergo changes, such as growth in hair, size, everything that is on the outer shell. However, there is this particular SC that has changed so much that even I cannot recognise her/him anymore. I still remember when I was secondary one and she/he was this cute little girl/guy that had fat and supple cheeks and she/he was so innocent that she/he was not corrupted with any computer games except for her/his beloved Maplestory.
However, now that two years has passed, she/he has changed from this cute little supple person to a horrendous person that says vulgarities as if it was like walking and waving to a person. ( Random Fact ) She/He has surpassed the vulgar and irritating me to be able to magically eat and insult a person sitting beside shim/him at the same time. She/He has also learnt the ability of the chameleon and is able to copy whatever GL-ness is done to shim/him and does it back to you! This is a great advancement for biology and i am extremely glad to find out that such a great specimen exists for me to do research on.
So far, only one of these specimens exist. It is well known that fur is frequently dropped from his body and is able to run at extremely high speeds when threatened with a dick cutter. Therefore, if seen, please report to PIXTURESOFBEN. (:
Moral Of The Story ( MOTS )
To all the new SCs, please do not learn from this horrendous specimen and be more like me! (: From a GL guy to a nice guy!
Signing off,
Right Balls
Discussion Topic Of The Day (DTOTD)
Recently, many people have nice, cool, bombastic, exciting, meaningful, vivid PMs. Personal messages to be exact, not pre-menstrual syndrome. Okay, one example is "Flight--not impossible--". And he Gahs about his history test the next day. Anyway, has anyone seen people with PMs talking about emergency cockpit ejaculation? Although i don't know what that is, i somehow relate it to the ejaculation of sperms from the COCKpit, of a plane? Some nice PMs include people's marks getting slashed by their teachers like blood splashing across their faces. This is seriously good use of Language Arts taught from school, the imaginative description and brainwave makes the user a good chance of being a director when he grows up in future.
Please observe other people PMs, and at the same time, create a revolutionary PM for yourself some day. Make a change, support Obama, and make a tremendous change in your life.
Moral Of The Story ( MOTS)
1 sentence: Watch out for PMs, mind your own PMs.
Signing off,
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Discussion Topic Of The Day (DTOTD)
Humans Can Fly?This is a very important topic to some people. Many people link this to how possible or impossible some things are. For example, people feel that flying without the help of machinery or the middle leg is impossible. However, some people still believe that they are able to fly just like that. Why? That must be because some humans have started to develop smaller sized middle legs and this thus allows them to be lighter than
MUCH people. Also, with the help of machinerys such as aeroplanes and spaceships, it is now possible to fly without much difficulties.
However, these methods of flying involve extremely expensive methods. Such as taking an aeroplane already takes up about half the trip. Therefore, why not take physics and start researching on how we can make our future generations grow smaller middle-legs so that they are able to float in the air? That would be a great
LEAP in research!
Please take this discussion topic seriously as what i am saying is the truth! Have you seen people with so much AIR TIME? What does this mean? This proves that what this discussion topic is saying is the truth.
Moral Of The Story ( MOTS)
Big middle-legs have their good and bad. However, if you are a basketball enthusias, follow the correct instructions and therefore, you would be able to
OWN the person with your ungodly air time (:
Signing Off,
Right Balls
Coolest. (:
See, PengJie smiles for my camera too!
Look how close he plays his phone. OMG?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Important Announcement Of The Day ( IAOTD )
Today, discussion topics are on the hold! More
EXCITING discussion topics are on the way. Okay! The announcements of the day is that, there is an extra editor that is joining me, to write these
EXCITING discussion topics. He has already starred in his
OSCAR winning discussion topic about
NICE HAIR. He is known as
LEFT BALLS. Then, i shall now be known as
RIGHT BALLS. Therefore, you would be seeing more of us posting. Who wants to be the middle one? I could also give you privilege of being the middle man and grab all the stardom! Anyway, thanks for the continuos support that you have been giving us! Tag more and more
COOL discussion topics would be coming up!
Right and Left Balls,Signing out! (:Look! Nigel
Mystery person of the day!(:
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Discussion Topic Of The Day (DTOTD)
Why do people have nice hair?
Nowadays, people are more and more concerned about their hair. Note: This totally turns people off. Why spend so much of your time, making a mess with your hair with clay(some kind of dough)? Why not use shit and style? There is a TASTE and even a distinctive smell that goes with it!
Even worse, it ends up like a birdnest! Be it a crow's nice, a magpie's nest or a cute mockingbird's nest, it still looks the same. Do you know what it looks like to have a nest on your head? Here is another example of bad hair day. People go to shops to perm/rebond their hair for no reason. I think that people should look the way they are, like the way they are, be contented with the way they are, do everything they way they are, sex the way they are, leave their hair the way it is. Instead of perming his/her hair to become curly with lots of curves. Another type of gel is the sweat gel, why use sweat gel on your head? It's disgusting and unhygenic.
However, you could learn from ROLE MODELS such as Mr Hia, Mr Lian and Mr Yeo with their ROLE MODEL hair. If you could reach that level of professionalism, you could be the star of your class! Word of caution from a beautiful musician, DO NOT USE PANTENE. Makes the hair go in circular motions that twirl and twirls.
Morale Of The Story (MOTS)
Do not care too much about the patch of hair on your head. Instead, the time can be used to groom other parts of your body which has hair. For example, the holy armpit. Please do not think sick, I am not mature enough to think about those stuff. Bye guys, hope you liked this topic.
Signing off,
Ben's Enemy
Discussion Topic Of The Day (DTOTD)
Why not smile for every camera shot?
These days, people no longer smile for camera shots, resulting in the author of this blog taking retarded and stupid pictures of yourselves. Therefore, why not SMILE for the author of this blog? Although the author of this blog may be a little too HIONG for taking photos, however, he does feel bad and asks people if they like to have their faces scraped off the photo. However, he is a cheeky pervert and immediately censors girl faces, once they show their first sense of being disappointed of their candied photos. ( Refers to SOME girls ) Today, I shall help everyone take their revenge and post the author's nerdy and retarded-looking shot of him using the computer. Enjoy! Remember, the more you middle-finger him, the more shots you will get out of him!
Morale Of The Story (MOTS)
Smile when your photo is being taken. (: Don't regret when the author of this blog takes your retarded photo and posts it on his blog!
Boring. School is so boring to write about eh?
Important stuff!
Today, i forgot that KimSiang was called peach. Then i accidentally wrote on the whiteboard,"I have lost my soft yet peachy thing! I miss it, if found, please return to Ben!" Then, he CLASPED me between his legs. I was trying hard to understand WHY he was doing that until I recapped that he was called PEACH. Sorry KimSiang ): LOL. After that, many guys started to come, including my GIRLfriend, Sean. Then, i changed the peach to flimsy. Therefore, it is now, soft yet flimsy. ( Lame ) Slacked with PJ and he bully me in chess. Went home, slept. Thanks for reading my post! (:
Fine. I post my UNGLAM PIC. Note: Im Sucking My Thumb.
She seemed reluctant. Censored. (:
Zhihao with his hongbao eyebrows.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Discussion Topic Of The Day! (DTOTD)
Should curfews be placed on childrens?
Many parents have placed curfews on their children. Such as, come back home before 8, be back home for dinner, stop playing the computer at 10.30. But, all this leads to the child either being extremely happy for being able to have this much freedom ( impossible ) or the child being hateful to their parents for doing this to them. However, have you ever thought about how your parents THINK ABOUT YOU? Yes. They DO think about you.
Therefore, people out there without curfews, PLACE CURFEWS on yourselves!! Make your parents feel that they care for you! Therefore, you can have this delusion that goes, " OHHH!! I am being curfewed. Let us see.. Ben's blog said that dad and mum would be feeling for me right about... NOW!" Dad comes along and says, " Hi son/daughter, nice curfew you have on yourself! Good to know that you are mentally unstable. Good night! " ( This part is lame )
However, if you are placing a curfew on yourself, do not go like this. Oh!! I have a curfew on myself! I shall stop watching TV right about... NOW! Then, you start turning on your XBox360 and play games. Whats the whole point? If you curfewed yourself at 11.00 why continue playing your XBox360? Thats missing the whole point of a curfew. Therefore, Jiaqi reads this blog.
Lazy post school stuff. Haha~ (:
Dad Dry Showering.
Hey Yuzy~ LOL. Candy~
Dad. He just came down from an escalator.
Intensive Level: High
Intensive level: Medium
Intensive level: Is there even an intensity?
Woah.. Watch the speaker.
Wrist. Marcus's wrist.
Aeri! Candied :P
Egan. He was candied like.. SUPER EASY?
Guess whose feet(S)! (:
This is SOME UNKNOWN PERSON that shares the blog with me. My ENEMY.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Now, I provide health tips as well! Enjoy!
Health Tip Of The Day ( HTOTD)
Fats in ears allow people to hear lesser than other people!
Many people with fats in their ears cannot hear properly! Therefore, you have to WORK THOSE MUSCLES! Here is what you can do, first of all, CUT YOUR EAR(S) OFF! That is the MOST extreme way however. Another way is, you could start trying to wear a ear aid! It is like a deaf person however, you need a ear aid to aid you in pushing past the fats! Therefore, a hearing aid is therefore, pain however, useful. The last and most gentle way is, to exercise!
First of all, you need to keep pulling your ears. However, do not pull ALL THE WAY until your ears start to drop off. That wouldn't have any effect right?
Secondly, keep twisting and turning your ears! But do not twist till your ears become as twisted as the spiral staircase of DHS! After that, get a person to keep shouting in your ears. This part is the part where only seriously deaf people need.
However, if all the above points do not work, the most final and most dangerous and most effective and MOST BEST method is to go for liposuction. Thank you very much, good night!
Therefore, this ends my health tip of the day! In Chinese idioms, this is also called, 危言肥听! Which means that fats in ears are extremely bad as warnings are always given out and if you cannot hear it, you might do wrong things! (:
First two periods were slacking periods! One cute person said that my muscles were smaller than somebody's when we were talking about basketball! Wow! Great link eh? That is why i got angry for your info! (:
I was SUPER PREPARED for yesterday's and today's lesson! Hehe. Egan's way of answering questions is DAMN GOOD CAN ( Not being sarcastic). Lol. Smart guy sitting with dumb guy.
Ate with YongMing and Jacob. Terence was extremely cool.
Fun~ LOL. At least i understood what she said. She is funny. Quite a good teacher!
Language Arts!
Harry! Gangster man.. I was just looking around and when my eyes reached him, he will say " WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT" Then, he turns around to the people and starts laughing. LOL. After that, when we were doing the comprehension, I was just looking around and whenever my eyes were locked on to him, he would say some stuff. Omg. Why is he always looking at me???
Oh My Gosh. I was frantically trying to keep myself awake. After there was 15minutes left, i ate the remains of my mentos and i could keep myself awake for the lessons. I guess i did not absorb a thing. Feel so bad to myself. ARGH!
sean~ CANDIED (:
Kimsiang's drawing is nice~
Benghwee playing bottle cap golf. New found sport in 3F
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Shelter VS Pushing - Who Will Win?
Thats the phrase of the day. Now, you not only see pictures and stuff from Ben's blog, you also LEARN important phrases and discussion topics to think about in your brain. ROFL.
This discussion topic is about Sheltering VS Pushing. You see, there is this 2 types of fighting in Dunman High School. One of them is sheltering. Sheltering is a BRAND NEW FORM of fighting. It requires a special type of hair that only one Dunmanian has achieved. It can both DEFEND AND, DEFEND at the same time! It is the most formidable defending martial art in the world.
However, the other form of fighting in Dunman High School, is Pushing! Pushing requires a very MATURE age and is an extremely powerful form of attacking. It can both ATTACK, AND ATTACK! It is the most formidable attacking martial art in the world.
To conclude, this is as what Chinese say, 自相遮推 therefore, this discussion topic is ended.
Oh! Oh! I forgot, Wudao ROCKS! JOIN WUDAO! DON'T JOIN WUSHU (:
Now, shall post pictures! Three only!
My shirt getting all dirty over the flour.
My BABY COUSIN! Cute rite..
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
OMG I DELETED ALL MY PHOTOS. GG MAN. SHIT! There was Jacob and Jinzhi with SUPER CUTE FACES LA!!!! OMG. Im so sad.
Wtf Grace Ong Changed our IDMI GROUPING. Egan was pissed. ROFL.
Dont feel like posting after deleting my photos!!! RAWR
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
wt*. lolz. heyhey~ ive got pictures today! (: Its a long collection of yesterday's and todays. hahaha. easy to catch them being candied. But jingmei cheated with her digital CYBERSHOT cam. ): haha. okays. pictures uploaded, back to WORDS!
Language Arts!
Harry or Hairy! (: I agree with yuzhen that he is cute now. haha. We did Times magazine which he said was US something. The whole goddamn magazine was basically about the US, except for that pathetic bit which talked about arab. =.= What's the point. I'd rather not subscribe. Reader's digest is the BEST! After that, he wrote out the schedule of our assignments and test. The GREAT THING is that, T1W3, we only have an assignment and after that, about 4 weeks later, we will have our tests and stuff. Quite slackish. Harry is cool. He comes up with some SUDDEN jokes which are only funny to some people that catch it.
Mrs Chua came to class and did with us the other functions of the cell organelles. Boring yet full of definitions. Fun!
We had history for the first time!! Hooray. It was kind of cool when he played that song and the discussion times were woo!! Most cool most handsome teacher in the world! Three cheers~
Same thing. Lalalallalalalalalalaa.
Higher Chinese Language!
Zuo Wen. Wrote 500+. Some mad ppl wrote 700+. Then i was like feeling guilty so i added another sentence. LOL. 20 words sio. mai siaosiao.
Wushu Selection Trails!
None. The DSA guy is good. So is his basketball! Haha. Glad he chose wushu over basketball. He sure win stuff.
Nights! Enjoy The Photos! Especially The One Under These Words.
Hmm.. I Like This. LOL!
Matthew IDIOT! Jkjk.
Clarence Jiejie! (:
Toby, Cute Candied.
Hehehe. Richmond Candied
Kaiting Is The Worst Person To Candy
Cassandra Candied.
4 Candied!
Jiaqi Caught Signaturing In Class... Naughty.
Egan, Candied~
Jerome With Nice Face
Monday, January 12, 2009
ok.. lets post bout today..
School Started
Grace Ong did class admin with us and im SO GLAD TO ANNOUNCE we're not changing seats~~ wootwoot! (: hahahaa. after that, wenxin is our chair while claire is our vice-chair! ( im happy with them being our chair! ) other than that... not important. LOL. after that, there wasnt enough time.. as so we thought. MRS JANET TAN didnt come!!! LOL. i was prancing around the class. then egan thought i was mad. haha. not taht i dont like her. its just... one hour of free period! (: hahaa!! then, we did 2 cheers which i thought was kinda cool although ms ling was uber cute and didnt scold us! hahaha! then, our class name is.. 3 F.O.C. LOL which means full of crap. then.. many disputes over what that means but its kinda cool to make names with it. such as the FAMOUS F.O.C.kers. which made our class statement, Meet The Fockers and another one was... F.O.C.US. it can be pronused in 2 ways which is FOCUS and FOC - US yeah. kinda cool eh? (:
Teacher was most excited about cells and didnt even complete what she was teaching. Great! (:
Higher Chinese Language!
He Lao Shi is as good as ever~ LOL. She finished teaching WuSongDaHu and i still have not completed my ShengZi thingy. WenJing never gave us our WHOLE YEAR HOMEWORK THING. So no homework!
Slacked with Egan. Kimsiang and Melvin eat loads.
Civil and Moral Education!
Seow Lao Shi was uber cute. haha. her voice is Fontostic! i was basically laughing through the lesson. hehehehe. I answered LOADS of questions and only got 1 mark. T_T
Same old black face. Why cant she be happier? T_T Haha. Anyway.. Her teaching is extremely good except for the fact that she goes MUCH faster than normal. She went at 2.00 and we did another cheer. Craziness! We are going to sell stuff at the YIMAIHUI~ Wootwoots~
Humorous Mr Teo. Better than anything (:
Had Wushu Trails and AWC was right at the back. Had fun with them and met a new junior which is equally as cool as Edric. Happy days~ Nights~
Sunday, January 11, 2009
heyhey~ well, ill be posting bout yesterday and tmr! :D
Yesterday <-- Underlined ( imagine it)
Yeah. waked up at 8.00, breakfasted and went for my wushu trials. it was physical and techinque based. we were like animals being showcased for some auction. i was a flexible elephant. o.o flexible elephant. next up, went for violin. and oh my god. i met MRS GRACE ONG at my violin lesson there. haha. she was with her son. weird. then, i fell in love with wanton mee. although our school's wanton mee SUCKS. after that, my father talked about how money and make a person shut up. kinda cool. all of life's lessons. hahaha. at night, slacked all the way with my ps3 (:
Today <-- Underlined ( once again, imagine it )
had my trails in the morning. haha. it was fine except for one of my routine. i made a mistake!! ARGH. after that, we went for tea at CHOMCHOM food centre. came home slack and died with my com. (:
Friday, January 09, 2009
this is ben's gay blog. but im not gay. this is so ironic. LOL. ok. first up, my first time taking the bus to school. IT WAS HORRIBLE. at first, i was waiting for 12. it took another 10mins to arrive after i reached the bus stop.grr. after that, i waited at the door. i was suddenly puzzled why the door didnt open. therefore, i wove at the bus driver. i felt like a frigging retard standing at the door. im sure many of you know what it feels like. LOL. however, i wasnt the only retard. the next stop, there was this uncle and he was like banging the door with his humongous fats. i am sure that there are still some fat that were banged off still sliding down on the door when i reached dunman high. hahas. anyway, the bus was CRAMPED all the way till katong. until then, i sat for 2 stops and came down. ok. time for lessons. first up, maths. BETTER than expected. sitting with egan is such a pleasure. hahaha. but i dun believe his maths sucks. yeah. after that was CHINESE!!!!! hooray. he lao shi is still as good as ever. wahahaha. wu song da hu suddenly sounds like some godlike topic that is interesting. excluding the wine part. kinda lame. lolz. OH YA! GOT THE TIGER CAN JUMP AND USE BACK LEG AND KICK DAMN ZAI. LOL. after that, recess. sean and clarence just had recess therefore i slacked with them. next, was BIO.oh my god. i was expecting bio to be a BOMB to wake me up and feel me in with more EXCITING knowledge. however, i was EXTREMELY disappointed. LOL the teacher showed us 100 discoveries. but in the end only 5 was shown. i couldnt remember anything except mitosis and mayosis. the other 3 was extremely forgettable. OH. the mini and elegant microscope. ok i dun remember 2. i was TRYING HARD not to fall asleep. after that was LA! HAIRY!!! WOOTSWOOTS. funfunfun. hahas. he continued with the different country language was fun with us having a dictionary while the all guys group tried hard to answer questions. hahaha. i think geoffry was given, what is a skirt. then i was like.. girls bottom OUTER wear? yeah. haha. not funny =.= then, SLACK TIME! we waited till 1.45 for lit students to finish. during that time, i was CHIONGING my last chinese DU HOU GAN. jiaqi was being pro by COPYING SOME SMART GIRL's duhougan la. omg. after that, it was already 2.30 and i went to the hall and wanted to help egan with the sc's deco. by the time i came it was already too late therefore i stayed there and watched fraser's band perform. it was nice but i couldnt hear fraser's strumming. o.o dunno much about a band. hahahaa. after that, my dad picked me up and we went to funan!! drank tea twice and wanton mee once. nicenice. went home slept. good nite! (:
PS. i really feel like uploading a photo soon. gotta take SOME PHOTOS!!!! (: watch out ppl.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
hey. welcome to ben's gay blog once again. hehe (: well.. went to school at 6.30 and slacked with clarence, fraser and jiaqi till 7.30. take note jiaqi is the girl while fraser is the guy. they arnt the same people. yeah. then, we were talking about teachers.. who were good while who were bad. im so happy to announce that my chinese teacher is HE LAO SHI!! to 2a peeps. that is our BP teacher. and my la teacher is HARRY! wootwoot. atfirst, it was 3 periods of fun and more fun. i finish one jianbao during that time. then, it was HCL. i was super afraid that he lao shi will do some chinese stuff. she said that it was possible to get a A for chinese. i hope i can get it. while, chem. it was GODDAMN BORING CAN. i was trying HARD to keep my eyes open. trying to give face to my form teacher. yeah. after that, was the la. hehe quite fun. went to group with jiaqi serene and rachel. serene was super soft la. i cant hear her talk at all. then we had to link the countries to their respective languages. we did quite good. with rachel's intelligence, she found out that one of the languages was YIDDISH. LOL. after that, was the dreaded maths. i always thought that she was a very fierce teacher. today she changed my mind as she did this laugh that sounded so cheerful. wow. wat a difference sshe had made. LOL. but the funny thing is that, when she slowly went down the list of names, when she reached the last one, hmm.. ben..jamin! WOW! (based on true story)(btw, the wow was like mine) benjamin! famous from 2a! zz then i was like looking down. but its cool la. then she started talking about handphones. today sucked anyway. all teh teachers DIDNT DO A SELF INTRO AT ALL LA!!! ohgod. chinese was fun. la was fun as well. maths and chem. no self intro, immediate lessons. T_T SUCKS!
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
yo. day 3 orientation was lame. well, first station was the water bomb thing. then the guys infront were owning while jiaying wasnt a very good combination with dawn.. yeah. maybe if they swapped with someone else it would have been better. yeah. hmm. then it was the blindfold thing. heard can see through so no point talking about this. after that, was the e3 thing. and they thought it was a carpark when it was at the life buoy. played charades. threw nuts at the other class. then, played mrt game was bugis then, raffles place. yuzhen was beside me and everytime she was called i hit her once.. sorry >< hahas. walked here walked there, debriefed within 3sentences. then played this squeeze milk game. then when one person squeeze milk then the other will have loads of milk? o.o while, when one WANTS to drink milk, then the other doesnt have milk. then, there is this action which is to wash milk? o.o no link. u can pair any of this up and its a game. like, squeeze milk with no milk? squeeze milk and drink milk? yeah kinda lame after awhile. after that, changed into a game of scissors paper stone. i sibei suay keep losing. then in the end, i did a forfeit. geoffry was being irritating by saying, " BEN! POLE DANCE" i was like "**ck you la" with those sfs around then everyone face turned into some shocked thing. gotta get used to it ya. sorry. im vulgar. after that was the finale. it was the worst thing i have ever seen. you know i was like pouring a full cup into benghwee's cup then, slowly by slowly, the water level dropped from full to 10mm in like.. 2 cup distance? it was damn lame. i saw how geoffry did the toe thing. kinda creative. we were the first group to start and the 5group to leave? sad. hahaa. i feel more bonded. yeah (: thanks for orientation now for homework. CHIONG!!!!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
hello. this text is weird. am i using the old blogger? O.o anyways. today was a NO HOMEWORK DAY i feel unaccomplished. sad. ok. waked up at 10.00am then, lied on the bed all the way till 11.00am. pro eh? hehe. then, went out with mum to bugis. bought me a adidas shirt with some soccer team sign. seems nice but its bright orange. after that, had some wushu training. i went up to my training instructor and asked him to press my back. then, he pressed till my whole arm was numb and it still hurts now. its been like 7hrs? yeah. next up, it was rushing back home just to go for dinner. my dinner was steamboat at Ballestier Road. kinda cool with those fish bones and fat-loaded chicken wings. after that, sent my bro to his gf's house then went back home. my life sounds so normal eh? im blessed! (: LOL nah.. just... lucky. yeah. anyways, homework time! bye~ pictures coming.. stop by when ya have time to ben's gay blog!
Saturday, January 03, 2009
yoz. another post~ ben rocks with this gay blog eh? hehe ^^ ok. pictures of 2008 before i start concentrating on 2009.. memories of zhenwen eating like a pig? yeah thats what i would be showing. also, pictures of edric emoing ON THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. zz. cheer up edric (: Oh ya. Richard told me that 3A was fun.. maybe coz he has stuff to bully there. okays. enjoy the photos. 3F here i come~
my bottle split in half. sad.
Who could this be?
Edric Emo-s.
Yeah they used my phone. LOL.
Kai1 Men2 Jian4 Shan1
Edric, Stop Being Emo. Join Us!
Random photo of the grass in Mt Sinai
Tse Shuen's Dao Face
Doing the squirrel face
Look! All around her mouth there is RICE.
See the difference between him eating and wyeinn eating.
Sleeping.. Do not disturb..
MingHan Same Thing.
Edric. COOL!!
Guess what's he doing? Reversi. Latest Craze.
Hello Girls, (:
Grace OWNING Wyeinn
Wyeinn GETTING OWNED by Grace
lolz. it wasnt me that made this.. WHO COULD IT BE?