Thursday, March 25, 2010
Following some year 4 controversy, this would be my feelings for it. :DNothing much, screwed maths test. So called 'Black Friday' tomorrow where alot of datelines will be met; Marcus has not send me the biology mind map he promised for the past 3 days.LML ( Love My Life ), not being sarcastic! :DYours Truly,Ben
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Too much tests.Too much shit that people say. Just saw a quote, "What we think, we become." Hope you don't turn out to be such a bitch next time, although you would. Aww, sorry.Another quote, "Thinking is the greatest torture in the world for some people." I think that it must have been such a torture to even think about what you are about to say, therefore i am tragically sad for you to REALLY turn out into such a bitch.
Totally links.Yours Truly,Ben
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Please tag. Anyway, my birthday was on 11th March. I would like to thank all that wished me and all that would wish me thinking of wishing me when they read this part of wishing me, happy birthday. :D
Haha, quite funny.
Must have failed english. Oh and she's proud of being a bakist.
... Twas long and hard. Shakespeare_chow.I like this post because it has high quality pictures. Also, holidays please do your homework. Thanks.Yours Truly,Ben
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Yours Truly,Ben
Monday, March 08, 2010
Thanks Fag for tagging on my blog. Really motivates me.
Yeah, I love facts. :DThese few days, nothing much happened excluding the fact that my birthday is coming up and i hope posters of my picture does not appear all around the school. Consequences are made known to my class people already. Hahaha. But it won't be that harsh, right? :DI can't believe why Miley Cyrus is hated throughout the world.
This octopus is a total dick.Yours Truly,Ben
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Your tag is MY motivation.
This isn't true. Guys always lose to girls. The sad truth.When we are six years old, we would say:"Mum/Dad, I need food! I need energy!"When we are ten years old, we would say:"Mum/Dad, I'm hungry! Can we have something to eat now?"When we are thirteen years old, we would say:"Oh my god, I'm hungry! Lunch, leh!?!?!"When we are sixteen years old, we would say:"Eh, oh my god. Damn hungry, la.. can we go get something to eat now!?"When we are twenty one years old, we would say:"Eh, keep your money, I'm treating you."When we are grown ups, we would say:"OI! COME HERE! Here's the money, go buy your own food."Just some thoughts, might not be funny and it might be grammatically and politically incorrect.Yours Truly,Ben