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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Post No.: 370.

Sigh, life doesn't seem right when simply one kink appears. It's just like what a lipid would look like, one kink and it would be an oil instead of solid fat. Why does my life seem so hopeless now? If you were to look closely in my eyes, what you would see would definitely be two brown looking dots. However, upon a closer scrutiny, you would see eyes that have lost all hope in life, those eyes that have long committed suicide, those eyes that simply do not shine anymore. Sometimes I say things that people find insulting, find meaningless, find childish. But I believe all words being spoken carry a certain level of meaning. But whatever, probably me thinking too much and all of you guys will be wondering what the shit I'm talking about.

Anyway, today is Valentines Day/Friendship Day. Personally i like receiving notes, especially well written ones that actually are able to shake my fragile heart a little. However, I would like to talk more about girls. I'm really shy with girls but when i do try, i give my all. However, what really intrigues me is that, with every girl comes new adversities. Below are a few types of girls that i have fear of.. I have never dated anyone so please don't ask me about them.
1) That one girl that I know has a guy trying his best to date her. Then when I try to make small advances, I feel like I've conquered Mount Everest but actually, what I have done as compared to the other guy is peanuts. And by simply knowing what the guy has done would put me in a situation where I feel that letting the girl go is the right thing to do as compared to trying to date her.

I'm lazy to talk about other examples.. but yeah I'm weak. Shall maybe try making vlogs, since its the in thing now.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Well, her concert was what I had been looking forward to ever since March 11, my birthday. It was that day when my sister said that she will sponser my ticket as a birthday present to me. I certainly did not regret holding on to that ticket for one whole hour before buying it with my dad's credit card. I am also deeply grateful to my sister for donating this 150$ to me just to watch the sexiest woman in the world sing inside the Esplanade.


So basically, her concert was sex to the bomb. Even though the opening was kinda cheesy but when she came in at 8.10, she opened with Uncharted which was so sexy I could have jizzed in my pants. Also, she is one of those artists that sound better live and this is what makes her such a great artist! Personally, I familiarized myself with the song 'Gravity' which I expected she would sing. After her main concert, she didn't sing it and I was slightly disappointed. However, after losing my voice shouting for her ENCORE, she came out and did the most eargasmic performance of the song and she will definitely be remembered as one of the most creative and soulful singers I ever know!


On a side note, when I left school at 6.15, I was rushing to the Esplanade and saw Denise rushing back to school in home clothes, little did I know that she was going to watch Sara Bareilles as well. Expecting myself to be late, I reached relatively early at 7.00. Immediately, I drew 100$ from my ATM to buy merchandise. Then, I instinctively queued up in line for something I didn't know I wouldn't regret buying. It was SARA BAREILLES'S album! On the sign wrote "The first 100 in line would be able to get an autograph from Sara!" Now, her poster is on my wall with her signature on it. Wouldn't forget that smile she gave me <3.


P.S. Dear adipose tissue, take a look at yourself. Look in the mirror and ask yourself how many tissues you have to remove from that damn plastic wrapping. What did I do to offend you? I believe I said some wrong stuff but I am trying, trying so hard to change. People make mistakes and I believe everyone deserves some room for error and if you can't accept me for who I am, then i have two words for you, "THANK YOU". Don't roll your eyes at me or gossip about me writing this blog post because I really appreciate you for not even becoming my friend.


One last thing, screwing all the tests I have and I'm starting to wonder whether I truly am fit to be an SC. I don't believe in any religion or faith but sigh, I really have to start working hard already. I have myself to blame for being such a lazy boy, guess I need more FWBs.

Yours Truly,
Sunday, May 01, 2011

Once again, I have so much time.

Life rocks! :)

Main point of this blog post is just another thought. I never had a closure of any sort that ensured that whatever feelings we had, had ended. Firstly, I would like to apologise for my poor grammar and english so bare with me.

Life still rocks! :)

Personally, personally, for me, love never ends that quickly. This goes from past experience where in primary school, I had liked that one girl from primary 4 to primary 6 but it was unrequited. In primary 6, I finally gave up and moved on from something that wasn't tangible in the first place. From then on, primary 6 was my first taste of something that was tangible but holding on to the belief that it might have been tangible in the first place kept me confused till sec 2.

Life ROCKS!!! :)

I may have been caught in a wild goose chase for all my life but at sec 2, I saw the belief that if puberty made me grow taller there was a hope that it might actually make something tangible for once. Well, I can't really reveal anything in this blog post but yup maybe this may sound rather vague and superficial but I hope you get the underlying meaning beneath this post.

Life RAWKS! ;)

Even though I may seem happy to you and that distancing myself from you as much as I can but no one can stop that feeling right in the damn middle of my heart. Sure, I may be childish by doing all these stuff but what i really want was for a total clearance of feelings of me in you. I don't know if i'm selfish but i feel happy for you. Run wild and free in this world when you're still young just because you CAN, while being a guy I'll just.. wait for that inspiration to come again or maybe some girls can hook me up. HAHA ;)

We only get one chance to live, live it to the fullest. Don't be afraid to date anyone, even attached people. Because if they're not married, they're attainable.

Yours Truly,
Saturday, April 16, 2011

I am not the Homa House Treasurer.

Well, its been a long time. MY BLOG I'VE FINALLY RETURN TO POST! However, this is going to be one of those rare times where I have the time to even blog.

One of the first things is that, why did I have the sudden urge to blog? It has definitely got to be the reason why I typed out that first sentence in the first place. From what others may see it as, it definitely is a lie and "Oh, Ben is up to his rubbish again." However, why I feel that there is a need to type that sentence is about how I delivered that speech to the entire HOMA house.

My love, my pride. WOOH.

There was a significant difference in how the Captain and Vice-Captain speeches were portrayed to the house and how my speech as the uncontested treasurer had been put out to the crowd. What I feel that does not make me qualify for the HOUSE COMMITTEE is that as compared to the other four candidates, my speech was one that was half-full of cock as compared to them where they really showed their sincerity to the house. Also, the fact that I was uncontested also put forth the idea that the house had no choice but me to be their treasurer.

In my opinion, people might have some other ways of interpreting my speech. One way, they may think that I'm super funny and definitely suited for the house comm. Another way, people might see me as a person that is full of cock and even though I had ran together with my group, Overly Orange, I had no direct relevance to the dynamics of the group and would only serve to be a slacker in the committee. These are only a few ways of viewing how people may view me, however, what matters is how I view my own speech and how I intended to put it out to the crowd.

So this was what I felt my speech might influence the crowd.. For the heavier note that I mentioned, I had meant for it to be a serious point that shows why I want to run for the House Treasurer. However, the words I had used didn't seem to prove to the house that I was that serious in being the treasurer. Therefore, I apologise for being so stupid and would want to be smarter in my choice of words in the future.

What I want my readers to realize is that, I really am passionate in being a part of HOMA House Committee 2011 and that even though people may doubt me for whatever I have done, I AM serious in wanting to contribute back to the house and also, even though people might say that others deserve the position more than I do, I will do my best to prove you wrong and I hope that I will be the only boy in the world, to all of you ;)

Credits: For pictures is our own HOMA TUMBLR BLOG! :)

Yours Truly,
Saturday, January 15, 2011

I love relationships.

Okay, I shall update due to the fact that I have loyal readers. :'( So touched and I'm not touching myself. By the way, I really need some guailan comments on my tagboard. So please do tag because I feel that I'm still improving on my guailan and I hope my readers would care to show some skills to me. :\ But nonetheless, I should be on my way to the desk in my room to study and do that GP tutorial that was sent to us. HOLY SHIT.

Well, for the past 5 days, I've been busy with Senior High. Another benchmark of my life. For the first two days of 'orientation' we had exciting lectures that the teachers have put up for us. I attended all of my lectures and I'm excited to say that History seems like a fun subject with those teachers. GP's definitely a fun subject and I think everyone agrees too right? ;) My biology teacher is definitely a nice guy but even if he teaches well or badly, I'll still work hard for it.

For the real orientation, the first day was a really screwed up day where it rained. Basically everyone wasn't really pleased with it and we played small games in a hot tunnel till it was time to go back. But the paint war was rather fun, except for the fact that people literally poured paint on me.

Then it was the second day where the fun really started~ Firstly, it was the RISK. Some stuff turned out fun but some misunderstandings arose... So damn lame. Then it was the mud fight where everything turned out to be surprisingly fierce and everything was fierce. Ran till my legs were sore but it was all worth it!

On the third day, the only memorable part was the disco part. Never knew we could club in a school, guess the only thing missing was the alcohol. :)

Now for some pictures~ Later in the night! :)

The cat slowly compresses its power.

The power is getting more concentrated..

The last spurt of power!

Pow. It turns into this lady here.

This girl here couldn't take it anymore and started to bleed through her nose.

This wizard starts reading on her to revert her back to the cat.

These two squires then start looking into the magical device called the 'iPhone'.

Meanwhile, these two witches giggle in joy at what they have done. But wait, what are those tentacles there?!

It seems many people have the 'iPhone'.. Saving the world requires many people.

Once again, they are giggly jolly. Without the tentacles.

One witch takes out her 'iPhone' to disappear from the place!

She appears behind an unsuspecting squire. :O WHAT WILL SHE DO?!

This squire is worried while the girl behind him gives a face we will never forget.

They work together to find a method.

They laugh.

He's dying! The witch puts him to sleep..

Here they close their eyes and mysteriously disappear.

Who is he?!

This witch thinks a lot.

At another location, this cat scratches itself.

Then it stares at you.

After that stare, the squire finds himself so aroused and so did the woman beside him.

This person then feels happy cos' he was the cat.

There are simply too many cats. World's in danger.

The cat transforms into a rabbit.

Suddenly many balls appear in the water.

The witch giggles to herself again! All the balls are hers!!

A wild sesame seed bowl appears.

The cat falls into a deep sleep after eating it.

These two suddenly appear together.

Then, the queen appears!

She is excited that the queen smiled at her.

However, being just a lowly maid, she pouts.

Due to the queen, she forces herself into a smile.

The queen's personal maid seems hungry. She will run 200km after that ice-cream.

The queen revives the squire and they make jolly chat.

They speak and they're confused.

Then, a jester appears and he is building sandcastles in the air.

The squire doesn't like the way the jester jests and makes a face, it seems he has fully recovered.

However, this lady loves the way he jokes.. *music starts*

Any relation to real life people are false and for entertainment purpose only. Thanks for all your understanding! :)

That ends off my post. My story is boring and has no link at all. It does have an olden theme though. :)

Yours Truly,
Sunday, January 09, 2011

Blog post number 365. ( No it's not a lie )

I've been on hiatus ever since my last blog post. But I'm back!

Yay, cheers of joy. Well, time to talk about 2010. 2010? To me, it was a rather good year filled with many wonderful, sweet, tender legs. Nah, I'm kidding. Isn't it funny? & yes, I'm typing to myself. Well, it never hurts to know that I've great friends that advice me to do stuff that I too feel is right. Also, it is the year of first times. I'll thank you for that. :)

Looking into the future, I want to work harder onto studying! Woohoo. I know i'll fail. I've been telling myself this from year 2 onwards and it still hasn't really struck in.

P.S. Sorry for the sloppy post~

Yours Truly,
Thursday, December 09, 2010

I'm not busy.

Well, I've been working ever since my last blog post. :P Thus, don't have any spare time to do a decent post. Or rather I've been lazy to do anything other than staring at my television screen or my computer screen. But, yup I realised my blog hits are rapidly decreasing. So, I promise next year to be a sexy one alright. :)

P.S. I lied a little about working SINCE my last blog post. Not that anyone really cares anyway. :)

Yours Truly,